I’m a Tier Two Trooper

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I’m a Tier Two Trooper

If a member with five or more years of actual service dies in employer service before retirement, his or her survivors can receive death benefits.

Surviving Spouse

The member’s surviving spouse who was married to the member for at least six months immediately preceding the member’s death is entitled to receive an annuity (a monthly benefit). The surviving spouse’s annuity is the amount he or she would have received if the member had retired and elected the Option B75 survivor annuity. Spouse annuity will be payable until remarriage or death.   

Dependent Children

The member’s dependent children are entitled to receive an annuity. A child is a dependent child until he or she marries or attains age 18, whichever occurs first. The age 18 maximum can be extended: to age 23 if the child is continuously enrolled as a full-time student at an accredited secondary school or institution of higher education. The age 18 maximum age may also be extended for any child who an Arkansas court, or the Board of Trustees of the State Police Retirement System (Board), has deemed physically or mentally incompetent. The amount of the benefit depends on the number of dependent children

Number of ChildrenBenefit Amount (the greater of the percent or dollar amount)
1 – 2 children10% of member’s compensation eachEqual share of $150 monthly annuity
3 or more childrenEqual share of 25% of member’s compensation eachEqual share of $150 monthly annuity

Dependent Parents

If a member does not have a spouse or dependent children, a dependent parent is entitled to an annuity. The parent must have been claimed as a dependent on the member’s previous year’s federal tax return. Each dependent parent will receive 10% of the member’s covered compensation, or equal shares of $150 monthly, whichever is greater.

Effective Date of Benefits

The effective date of benefits payable to any survivor is the first day of the calendar month following the month in which the member dies, regardless of when the survivor applies for benefits.

It is important that members and their families understand how the retirement system can help provide a secure income to the family when a member dies. Discus

Disclaimer on Benefits and Rights

Disclaimer Concerning Benefit Calculations, Benefit Projections, Counseling, and Certain Conditions Regarding APERS Benefits and Rights

The purpose of this Disclaimer is to summarize, in plain language, existing APERS policy concerning benefit calculations, benefit projections, counseling, and certain conditions regarding APERS benefits and rights. This Disclaimer does not reflect any alteration or amendment of existing APERS policy. This site includes general information about APERS programs and benefits and may not represent or include completely the law and/or rules that govern APERS. Arkansas law and/or administrative rules will supersede any information in conflict.

APERS strives to provide accurate information and assistance to plan participants who have questions regarding their APERS benefits. All information and calculations concerning benefits are based upon current law and policy, even though information often concerns future benefits. Likewise, laws and policies affecting plan participants are subject to change from time to time. The Arkansas General Assembly, U. S. Congress, federal agencies, and the APERS Board of Trustees may change how benefits are calculated and change other rights of plan participants. Any benefit projection or information provided by APERS is subject to future law or policy that is applicable to APERS.

APERS staff depends upon information provided by the plan participants and offers counseling and projects future benefit estimates based upon that information. Such estimates can vary materially from actual results. Calculations concerning benefits, as well as the information APERS provides during counseling, can be materially affected if the plan participant provides inaccurate or incomplete information, or omits material facts. Plan participants are presumed to have knowledge of all publicly available laws and policies that affect their APERS benefits and rights. APERS is under no duty to ensure that plan participants are specifically informed of a new law or policy unless required within the law or policy itself. If APERS attempts to notify plan participants who may be affected by a change of a law or policy, the failure to notify a specific plan participant does not create any right or cause of action for the plan participant.

APERS does not provide plan participants with specific recommendations regarding retirement options, tax advice, or legal advice. Each plan participant is solely responsible for determining whether benefit calculations, benefit projections, benefit estimates, and retirement plan options are suitable for the plan participant based upon his or her specific retirement objectives and personal and financial situation. APERS encourages plan participants to consult their own lawyer, accountant, tax professional, or other retirement adviser before making a decision that affects their benefits and rights regarding APERS.

Federal law and policy, state law and policy, APERS records and documents, and accurate data always govern the final determination of plan participant benefits and rights. An error by APERS does not create any common law rights on behalf of the plan participant. The rights of a plan participant are solely governed by the rights set forth in law and policy applicable to APERS.